How to Wash a Varsity Jacket Like a Pro


Your varsity jacket is not just a piece of clothing; it’s a symbol of your achievements and school pride. To keep it looking its best and ensure its longevity, proper cleaning and care are essential. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to effectively wash your varsity jacket, helping you maintain its quality and appearance for years to come.

Brief history of varsity jackets

The varsity jacket, or letterman jacket as it’s also known, boasts a surprising pedigree that stretches back to the 1800s. Originally a symbol of athletic accomplishment on college and high school campuses, these jackets have transcended their sporty roots to become a fashion staple that endures.

Importance of proper washing

Varsity jackets are more than just clothes; they’re woven tapestries of our personal journeys. Each patch, stain, and threadbare spot whispers a tale of hard-fought victories, late-night study sessions, and the forging of lifelong friendships. Washing your jacket isn’t just about maintaining its appearance, it’s about safeguarding these irreplaceable stories. By taking proper care, you extend the life of the jacket itself, but more importantly, you honor the experiences it embodies. Neglecting this care risks erasing the very essence that makes your varsity jacket special. Washing becomes a form of respect, a way to acknowledge the unique narrative your jacket carries. Remember the triumphs, the laughter, and the lessons learned – washing your varsity jacket is a commitment to preserving them all.

Materials Needed

Gear up for washing your down jacket! Here’s what you’ll need.

  • A soft brush to loosen the dirt
  • Mild detergent for gentle cleaning
  • A clean cloth for spot treatments
  • Decide between a basin for hand-washing or your washing machine.

Care Labels

First things first, crack the code on your jacket’s care label. Those symbols hold the key to proper cleaning and can prevent disaster. Following these guidelines will ensure your varsity jacket stays looking its best for years to come.

Pre-Wash Prep

Before diving into a full wash, take a few minutes to prep your jacket. Detachable patches or accessories? Remove them to avoid any damage or color bleeding. Zippers and buttons? Make sure they’re securely fastened to prevent snags during the washing process.

Taming Stains

For individual stains, a targeted approach is best. Use appropriate cleaning agents for the specific stain, but always test them on a hidden area of the jacket first to avoid discoloration surprises. Choosing the right cleaning solution for your jacket’s fabric will effectively remove stains without causing harm.

Choosing the Right Detergent

When cleaning your varsity jacket, be gentle with its colors and fabric. Opt for a mild detergent that will cleanse effectively without causing any fading or harming the material. Harsh chemicals can be too strong and break down the fibers over time.

How to clean Letterman jacket

Step-by-step guide for hand washing, and machine washing

For both handwashing and machine washing

  • Prep the jacket: Empty all pockets, close zippers and fasteners, and pre-treat any stains with a gentle detergent.


  • Fill a basin with cool water and add a small amount of down-specific detergent or gentle soap. Submerge the jacket and swish it around gently to agitate the water.
  • Clean stained areas: If necessary, use a soft brush to target stains, but avoid scrubbing harshly.
  • Rinse thoroughly: Rinse the jacket with clean cool water until all the soap is gone. Squeeze out excess water gently, without wringing or twisting the jacket.

Machine washing

  • Use a mesh laundry bag: Place the jacket in a mesh bag to protect it from snags and tears during tumbling.
  • Gentle cycle with cold water: Select a delicate or handwash cycle on your washing machine and use cold water. Avoid using regular or bulky cycles that could damage the down.
  • Skip the extras: Don’t use fabric softeners or bleach, as they can harm the down’s insulating properties and the jacket’s water resistance.
  • Prompt removal: As soon as the wash cycle finishes, remove the jacket from the machine to prevent mildew growth.

Keeping Your Varsity Jacket a Champion

Varsity jackets are more than just clothes; they’re emblems of hard work and achievements. My family understands this well. My dad proudly sported his letterman jacket throughout my childhood, a constant reminder of his high school football glory days. Now, it’s my turn to make memories in mine.

Here’s how we ensure both jackets stay looking their best for years to come:

Gentle Washing

  • Handwashing is preferred, minimizing the risk of damage to the delicate fabrics.
  • If machine washing is necessary (always check the care label!), use a cold, delicate cycle and a mesh bag to protect the jacket.

Safe Drying

  • Air drying is the safest option to prevent shrinkage or warping. We often hang our jackets together on the line in the backyard, sharing stories about the games they’ve seen.
  • Machine drying can be risky, but if needed, use the lowest heat setting possible.

Maintaining Shape

While drying, gently stretch the jacket back to its original form. This helps it retain its structure and classic silhouette.

Ironing and Steaming

  • Ironing is a last resort. If needed, use low heat and a clean cloth as a barrier between the iron and the jacket.
  • Steaming is a gentler alternative, especially for the wool parts. It refreshes the fabric without the risk of scorching.

Proper Storage

  • Choose a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. This prevents fading and keeps the jacket looking fresh.
  • Garment bags or covers shield your jacket from dust and potential pest damage. My dad keeps his old jacket in a special cedar chest – a tradition I plan to continue with mine.

Care and Maintenance

  • Always check and follow the care label instructions to avoid shrinkage or color fading.
  • Regularly inspect your jacket for signs of wear or damage. Addressing minor issues promptly, like a loose button or a small tear, prevents them from becoming major problems.


By following these simple steps, you can properly wash and care for your varsity jacket, ensuring it stays clean, vibrant, and in great condition. Remember to always refer to the care instructions provided by the manufacturer and use gentle detergents suitable for delicate fabrics. With the right care, your varsity jacket will continue to showcase your achievements and school spirit for years to come.

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